Hebrews Lesson 12 Distributed by: KJV Bible Studies Website: www.KjvBibleStudies.net e-Email: [email protected] Introduction: In Chapter 11, we studied about faith over the past 3 weeks. We started out studying about the definition of faith, and read about dozens of the saints who stood strong in the Lord by faith. Verse 6 of the chapter taught us that it is impossible to please God without faith. We continue on this topic in the beginning of Chapter 12 as we look at the ultimate example.
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. This reference to ‘so great a cloud of witnesses’ refers back to the list of the many men and women of faith we just studied in chapter 11. We also have other Christians that live about us who are a witness to the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ. A dedicated, consecrated life lived for the Lord has a great testimony to the lost in the world, and to us who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Paul tells us to lay aside every weight and the sin that pulls us down, and to run the race set before us. Effective runners don’t come to a track meet weighted down in combat boots. And you and I need to examine our hearts and if there is sin in our life, we need to get rid of it. Sin has a price, and it burdens us and pulls us away from the Lord. Is there a sin in your life that hinders you? Most likely, if we will all be honest, there are areas in every one of our lives that could be improved upon. Turning away from the sin and seeking God’s forgiveness is the beginning of running the race to win. None of use can run the race set before us effectively if we are loaded down with burdens and sins. Maybe you hold something against a fellow Christian or a family member, and you need to get that cleared up. Only you know what holds you back. But until our heart is pure before the Lord, we will never be effective in the race of life. Jesus is the one we are to look to as our example… he truly is the author and finisher of our faith. At the end of Christ’s life, he experienced great joy as he returned to heaven to be with the Father. He went to the cross, despised the shame, and paid the price that our sins earned. And today, He sits at the right hand of the Father as our Great High Priest. Continue Reading in PDF: ![]()
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