Exodus Chapter 8 Distributed by: KJV Bible Studies Website: www.KjvBibleStudies.net e-mail: [email protected] Introduction: We continue our study on Exodus this week. In last week's lesson, we studied about how Moses used the rod to perform miracles before Pharaoh. He first cast down the rod and it became a serpent, then later he used the rod to cast it over the rivers of Egypt and all of them turned into blood. I. The Second Plague of Frogs Exo 8:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me. Exo 8:2 And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs: Exo 8:3 And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs: Exo 8:4 And the frogs shall come up both on thee, and upon thy people, and upon all thy servants. Again Moses goes before Pharaoh and demands the people be let go from the land and their bondage. If they were not released to serve the Lord, he warns in verse 2 that there would be a plague of frogs. Frogs were sacred to the Egyptians. One of their deities was “Heka” or “Heqet,” was a frog-headed goddess. She was the goddess of resurrection, fertility, and childbirth. They could not kill these sacred frogs, for this was not allowed under their religious system. They are warned that the frogs would come out of the Nile, which would be another blow at their religion, since they worshiped it. Frogs are symbols of uncleanness and of evil.
Exodus Chapter 6 Distributed by: KJV Bible Studies Website: www.KjvBibleStudies.net e-mail: [email protected] Introduction: We continue our study on Exodus this week. In last week's lesson, we studied about Moses' first encounter with Pharaoh as he made his request to let the people go. As predicted, Pharaoh was hard and refused which will be a recurring theme in the next few weeks of our studies. After making the request, the king makes the burdens even harder, and the people begin to put the blame on Moses and Aaron. Israel’s harsh words to Moses caused him to pray unto the Lord. While he went to the right place, yet his words were wrong. Even so, God answered him in love and mercy. God had promised that Israel would be delivered (Exodus 3:19-20) and God always keeps His promises. God speaks to us by the written word of God. Since it was not yet written, God spoke to Moses in an audible voice. (Exodus 33:11; Deuteronomy 34:10) I. God's Answer to a Disappointed Moses Exo 6:1 Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land. Man may fail us, but God will always keep His covenant with His people. Pharaoh will not only let them go, but he will drive them out. In verse 3, God reveals His covenant name. God reveals Himself as Jehovah. Remember when “LORD” is spelled with caps, it is Jehovah indicating the 3 part God Head of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Earlier, He had made Himself known to Abraham as God Almighty. He says in verse 3 “By my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.” This is admittedly a hard passage of Scripture, but it does yield to careful study. God was known by Jehovah (LORD), to Abraham. Continue reading in PDF:
EXODUS Lesson 01 Distributed by: KJV Bible Studies Website: www.KjvBibleStudies.net e-mail: [email protected] Introduction: We begin our new study on the book of Exodus this week. We initially were going into Ezekiel, but Brother Taylor wanted a bit more time on studying the chapter about the dry bones living again as to the true meaning of those verses. So we will try and come back to that soon. These lessons are based on the outlines of E.L. Bynum of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lubbock TX. We are using their outline with their consent. I. INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS A. The Author is the same for all books of the bible. It is the Holy Spirit. Man many times wants to bring the bible down to a book like any other. The bible is unlike any other book, and it is powerful and able to divide soul and spirit and discern the very thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 2 Peter 1:21 “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” As in the case of all books, God used some man to pen the words. Exodus was penned by Moses the human writer. Continue Reading in PDF